We launched an Android SDK

If you were lucky enough to have been at the Samsung Developers conference you may have heard that we launched our Android SDK, but if you weren’t there…

We launched our Android SDK!!!

Our Android SDK is meant to be a thin wrapper that packages up the Mapzen services and makes them easy to incorporate into your app. Currently the Mapzen SDK features map rendering and location tracking. You can easily draw lines, drop pins, change map styles, and move the camera around though the Mapzen SDK or dig directly into Tangram for more advanced options. Also, because we’ve incorporated our L.O.S.T project there are no other mapping or location services dependencies required (seriously).

Over the next few months we will be incorporating navigation and search into the SDK through the following Mapzen projects:

  • On the road - The Mapzen Turn-by-Turn wrapper and other routing utilities
  • Pelias - The Mapzen Search wrapper

Try out the sample app or visit Github to learn more about our Android SDK and follow along with our development.