making things. saying things.

Prime Server ZMQ

Building pipelined parallelized HTTP SOAs on ZMQ via ASCII art

Office hours at Mapzen

Bring your laptops, questions, successes, workflows, and software issues to office hours at Mapzen.

Let's take a road trip transit journey to Valhalla, NY using Mapzen Turn-by-Turn and Transitland

By train, by ferry, by bus, by foot, Mapzen Turn-by-Turn and Transitland will get you there.

The new (multimodal, open-source, open-data) rules of the road: Mapzen Mobility

Introducing the new rules of the road, including the world's first global, open-source, multimodal routing engine.

What a Relief: Global Test Pilots Wanted

Worldwide elevation data in more places, in higher fidelity, and in more formats.

The Kids at Mapzen

Some thoughts on maps and startups and taking your kids to work.

Samsung Developer Conference

Randy talks at the Samsung Developer Conference