making things. saying things.

Who’s On First

Mapzen is building a gazetteer of places. Not quite all the places in the world but a whole lot of them and, we hope, the kinds of places that we mostly share in common. You might want to get a cup of coffee or maybe a drink if you’ve been thinking about this sort of thing for as long as we have (or maybe longer).

Intern Report—Ladders for Leaders

Mapzen interns making maps happen via NYC's Summer Youth Employment Program

Make your first Tangram map

Want to learn more about making maps with Tangram? Follow this tutorial.

OSRM Sunset

Exit OSRM; Enter Valhalla

Use Metro Extracts in QGIS

Follow this new tutorial to learn how to download OpenStreetMap data through Metro Extracts and display the layers in QGIS.

Our Magna Carto

Why Mapzen uses exclusively open data for its maps

You, Me and Connectivity

Iterating over all the tiles in the world to show OSM road connectivity!

OSM Server-thon

OSM is growing fast and needs more servers! Donate today!