Mapzen Search Explorer

Mapzen Search has lots of API endpoints: /search, /search/structured, /reverse, /autocomplete, /place. We’ve previously talked about which endpoint to use when, but what about all those parameters?

In addition to our search documentation, the Mapzen Search Explorer has the answers you seek. This interactive tool demonstrates how parameters like sources, layers, focus.point, boundary, language (and others) can help you filter and focus search results for each endpoint.

As you type, we generate a URL for our API based on the parameters you’ve selected. Once you’ve built the query, we show you a list of results and points on a map. (You don’t need an API key to explore! However, you will need to add one if you use the API request URL in your app or map.)


We also show the API response of all the results as GeoJSON. This includes search metadata and confidence scores.


You can click on an individual result and get more information about its source via our place endpoint.


Meaningful error messages are shown inline, helping you learn more about the parameters and what they do (and don’t do).


The Search Explore is a convenient way to share a query and API request with coworkers and friends. It’s a handy troubleshooting tool if you can’t find something you expect (or do find something you don’t expect). If you’re having an issue and can reproduce it with the Search Explorer, you get a unique URL that you can share with us.

Take the Search Explorer for a spin and let us know what you find!