Rights and attribution statements for Mapzen services

Mapzen’s services are built on top of the hard work and remarkable efforts of other open data sources and communities. Use of these underlying sources, either through Mapzen or directly, often requires certain rights and obligations be followed, such as providing an official citation to the originating data provider or sharing any modifications made to the data under similar terms. It is Mapzen’s legal duty to follow all the guidelines set by the data providers. As a user of Mapzen’s services, it is also your legal duty to follow these guidelines as well.

Provide attribution

If you are using any of Mapzen services, you should use the following attribution statement:

© Mapzen, OpenStreetMap, and others

HTML snippet:

© <a href="https://www.mapzen.com/rights">Mapzen</a>,  <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a>
, and <a href="https://www.mapzen.com/rights/#services-and-data-sources">others</a>.

Attribution should appear in a place that is reasonable to the “medium or means you are utilising.” The OpenStreetMap Foundation provides attribution examples and general best practices for giving credit to any source.

Other responsibilities

Some of Mapzen’s data sources include special requirements in their terms.

For example, OpenStreetMap is part of most Mapzen services. The OpenStreetMap community has selected the Open Database License (ODbL) Share-Alike license for the project. In addition to crediting the OpenStreetMap project, any additions or changes you make to the data must be made available under the ODbL. Learn more about the Open Database License and its interpretation by OpenStreetMap board.

If a Share-Alike license is a concern for you, make sure to read the rights pages for the specific Mapzen services you use to determine if it is part of your intended use.

Services and data sources

Please ensure that your use of Mapzen services and data follows the appropriate rules set by the open data providers. Example language for each service is provided on the pages linked below.

Mapzen Elevation

Mapzen Mobility

Mapzen Terrain Tiles

Mapzen Vector Tiles


Who’s on First

Last Updated: June 2, 2017