Posts tagged: whosonfirst

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Who's on First? It's Mapzen Search

We're getting ready to power Mapzen Search with Who's on First, Mapzen's open data directory of worldwide places. It's a data source that's going to make it a whole lot easier to search the whole world. If you're an existing user, here's what you need to know and what anyone interested in Mapzen Search can get excited about.

Mapzen's Vector Tile service — better, stronger, faster

Spelunker - Jumping into Who's On First

Who’s On First

Mapzen is building a gazetteer of places. Not quite all the places in the world but a whole lot of them and, we hope, the kinds of places that we mostly share in common. You might want to get a cup of coffee or maybe a drink if you’ve been thinking about this sort of thing for as long as we have (or maybe longer).