Are you heading to Seattle for State of the Map US? We’ll have lots of folks there talking about geo things at the following sessions and lightning talks and workshops:
- Beyond Aesthetic Icing: Designing geo tools for humans (Sat, 4:45) - Ekta Daryanani, Meghan Hade
- Behind the Scenes of the Mapzen Targeted Editing Series - Engaging Editors (Sun, 4:30) - Indy Hurt
- Befriending a Geocoder (Sun, 11:45) - Diana Shkolnikov
- Give your vector tile life (lightning talk, Sat, 4:45) - Hanbyul Jo
- The Space Between: expanding street centerlines to street polygons (lightning talk, Sat, 4:45) - Lou Huang
- Make maps more interactive with the magic of a geocoding search box (workshop, Mon 9AM) - Rhonda Glennon, Katie Kowalsky, Diana Shkolnikov
And stop by our table and say hi and ask questions! We’ll also have a table full of geo swag and geo stickers and geo people!
And Bubble Wrap POI stickers!
And more!
Come by and say hi!