making things. saying things.

Open traffic data is the best traffic data

Anonymized, opened, and shared, traffic data will become a valuable public good.

World Bank + Mapzen + partners = open traffic data

Mapzen is joining Open Traffic, a global initiative led by the World Bank to measure urban traffic congestion, and building the next generation of the open-source platform.

Interactive Mapping with Tangram

Bring your map sandwich to life with Tangram interactions.

Improving county coverage in Who's On First

We've doubled the number of counties in Who's On First by adding data sources and introducing mesoshapes to fill the gaps

Do Less, Get More!

With structured geocoding, you can do less and get more accurate results.

Unearthing CircleCI artifacts

Horsin' around with CircleCI to build a website preview tool.

Put A Label On It

Make Your Own [Labels]. When in doubt, put a label on it.

Fixing Routing with Map Roulette

Fixing unreachable routes by unswitching ways using Maproulette.