making things. saying things.

Terrain Generalization

Generalization blending is a way to solve two problems at once – terrain data contains small details which aren't necessary for understanding the shape and location of important features, but basic simplification methods such as blurring are applied everywhere indiscriminately.

वॅल्हॅला निर्देशन अब हिंदी में उपलब्ध!

We added हिंदी (Hindi) to our Valhalla routing engine and we can tell you how you can add your own language too!

Introducing Mapzen Mobility Explorer

Mobility Explorer provides an approachable way to query for and immediately visualize Transitland data and Mapzen Mobility APIs. It's built for developers of maps and apps, public policy advocates and planning experts, transit nerds, and anyone who is curious about exploring transit data.

Range far and wide with Mapzen Isochrone

What's an isochrone? The word is a combination of two Greek roots -- 'iso' means equal and 'chrono' means time. So indeed, an isochrone is a structure representing equal time, and we have an API for it.

Road Shields

We've added road shields to all of our house styles.

Filters and Functions

In which we continue our exploration of mapzen.js and the Tangram scene file to look at data filtering and custom styles with JavaScript.