making things. saying things.

Access denied...well, not in my country

How country-specific access restrictions will only greatly enhance the routing graph

Optimizing Your Route

Finding your way from points A to B (and on to C, D, E, F, & G) using the Mapzen Optimized Route service

Rolling up Seattle

Replaying Seattle State of the Map

VPC Architecture - Bridging Regions

Using Openswan to cross connect AWS VPCs in multiple regions

Seeking Mapzen at SOTMUS

Come say hi at SOTMUS in Seattle this weekend!

Targeted Editing Retrospective

Celebrate eight months of Targeted Editing with a little retrospecting.

Speed Tiles and Traffic-Influenced Routing

We've been thinking about traffic-influenced routing and how to make speed tiles

Augmenting reality with open software and data

Open data and open source software can make augmented reality even better