making things. saying things.

Refill Themes - Part 2

Introducing dark color themes for Refill. Explore our new colors!

Refill Themes - Part 1

Introducing themes for Refill. Explore all the color new variations on Refill.

Everything you wanted to know about Mapzen Search endpoints but were afraid to ask

Let's start at the beginning and learn all the different types of search capabilities and when and how to use them.

Optimizing Stops

Using Mapzen Optimized Routing to solve the "Traveling Salesman" problem with multiple people.

Statistics and validation reports for GTFS feeds in Transitland

Mapzen has been participating in a collaborative effort to help improve transit data practices, with the aim of bringing greater consistency and quality to GTFS open data.

Mapping the ages of buildings in Seoul

Mapping the age of buildings in Seoul with Tangram, TileStache, QGIS and turf.js.

Bike to Work with Mapzen's updated bike map

Thanks to everyone who responded to our bike survey! We've incorporated lots of your feedback into version 2 of our bike map, just in time for Bike to Work day (and month)!

Simple is hard

Making something less complicated is complicated.